Press Release
For Immediate Release

Moral Compass Federation Responds to HFAC Hearing on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Washington, D.C.—Today, the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) convened a hearing featuring Secretary of State Antony Blinken to assess the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Moral Compass Federation recognizes the critical importance of addressing the complexities and consequences of this historic event and calls for continued focus on solutions that prioritize national security, support veterans impacted by moral injury, and honor commitments to allies.

As a coalition committed to advancing policies that prevent moral injury among service members, Veterans, and honor the sacrifices of all those who served, MCF expresses concern over several key points raised during the hearing.

    1. Terrorist Resurgence: While testimony asserted that no terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, have re-emerged in Afghanistan since the withdrawal, independent intelligence and credible reports suggest otherwise. Ignoring these indicators jeopardizes global security and the safety of U.S. citizens and allies.
    2. Implications of the Doha Agreement: MCF recognizes that the Doha Agreement shaped aspects of the withdrawal. However, the agreement’s implementation lacked the strategic foresight needed to adapt to changing conditions, exacerbating the chaos of the withdrawal.
    3. Funding Concerns: Questions about U.S. dollars indirectly benefiting the Taliban highlight the need for careful oversight and policy adjustments. Investing in support systems for Afghan allies can curtail reliance on aid channels vulnerable to misuse, ensuring resources are directed toward humanitarian and strategic priorities.

“Moral Compass Federation firmly believes that addressing the long-term consequences of the withdrawal requires bipartisan action and clear-eyed leadership,” said Tito Torres, MCF CEO. “It’s critical to recognize the realities on the ground while crafting policies that prevent future harm, both at home and abroad.”

MCF remains dedicated to advocating for solutions that prioritize national security, and the well-being of service members, Veterans, and our allies. These solutions include support for pathways to safety for our most trusted and vetted Afghan allies, education and advocacy to increase awareness about moral injury, and the creation of a specialized body to address the lingering effects of war on those who served.

For more information about Moral Compass Federation and its initiatives, please visit

About Moral Compass Federation:
Moral Compass Federation is a coalition of Veteran-led organizations dedicated to addressing moral injury in service members and Veterans, and advocating for sound policies that reflect the values of those who served. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, MCF seeks to prevent future crises and support those impacted by war.